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chocolate cake in a white bowl with whipped cream and a candle


Today marks the day I have had my blog for a month!!!  Wow, have I learned a lot in a month.  And boy, do I still have a lot to learn! I am choosing to live in denial right now that blogger went down yesterday, and my post from yesterday is just lost in cyber space right now.  I had awards posted, and passed on to other bloggers….but if I focus on that I might start to hyperventilate.  So today is all about having my blog for a month!!

I NEVER would have started this if it wasn’t for my sister friend Beth!  We have known each other for 9 years now, and she is just the best!  She is so supportive, and always there for me.  A month ago we were talking about what I should do with the rest of my life.  My son is in Kindergarten, so I want to find something more in my life, than staying home.  We were throwing around ideas, and she said I should do something with food.  She knows full well how much I love to cook and bake.  She suggested I start a blog, and immediately proceeded to forward me link after link to websites with information about starting blogs.  So the next day, I started my blog.  I am sure she was the first one to subscribe to my blog! 

Unfortunately we don’t live near each other, and haven’t for the last 4 1/2 years.  Quite the adjustment from working together in the same department for 5 years, and living 6 blocks from each other.  I have done what I can to try to get her to move to Iowa, but I have been unsuccessful.  So, she hasn’t been able to taste anything I have made so far, but hopefully some day soon she can.  When trying to figure out what to make for this special day, I had to make something I knew she would love.  I had to settle on a dessert, because her love of pot roast, bit o’honey, good & plenty, and beets just didn’t leave a lot to blog about 🙂  (Love ya’)  I settled on cake, probably her first love!  She is usually a frosting girl, but I also know how much she likes ooey, gooey chocolate.  Molten lava cake here I come!  This was my first time making it, and it was pretty darn easy!  Aside from it sticking to the pan, and coming out a mess 🙁 

Molton Lava Cakes
Adapted from Paula Deen
Printable Recipe

8 (1 ounce) squares semi-sweet chocolate
10 Tbls butter
1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
3 eggs
3 egg yolks
1 tsp vanilla extract

Melt the chocolate and butter together.  You can use a double broiler, or the microwave.  Just get it nice and smooth.  Add the flour and sugar.  It will be very thick. 

cake batter in a bowl with eggs

Stir in the eggs, yolks, and vanilla until smooth.  Divide the batter among the custard cups. 

ramekin greased and dusted with sugar

This makes enough for 6 (6 ounce) cakes.  Grease them well!!  I also coasted them with sugar, because I have heard that works well for helping it rise and not stick.

cake batter poured into prepared ramekin

Bake in a 425 degree oven for exactly 14 minutes.  Longer it will not be gooey in the center.  The edges should be firm.  Run a knife around the edges to loosen and invert onto dessert plates.  Sprinkle on some powdered sugar, top with whip cream and enjoy!

Tip – I think if you let it sit in the cup for just a couple minutes before inverting it, you will have better luck.  I think I jumped the gun on turning it onto the plate.  This batter freezes well.  Make what you need, freeze the leftovers for later.


chocolate cake in a white bowl with whipped cream


About Erin S

Welcome to Dinners, Dishes, & Desserts where my love of food meets my busy life. My name is Erin and I’m a casual home cook who loves to feed people. On this blog, you’ll find hundreds of quick and easy recipes made mostly from scratch. My days are spent in the kitchen, creating new recipes to share with family and friends.

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  1. They look great to me! I will have to try these soon. I love everything (well almost) gooey in the middle!

  2. They look great to me! I will have to try these soon. I love everything (well almost) gooey in the middle!

  3. Congratulations on your blogiversary! And don't feel bad – we've ALL got a lot to learn…

  4. Congratulations on your blogiversary! And don't feel bad – we've ALL got a lot to learn…

  5. Happy Blogiversary! Those molten cakes look soo good, I'm going to have to give them a try. I look forward to following your blog!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! Those molten cakes look soo good, I'm going to have to give them a try. I look forward to following your blog!